The 18th Steering Group Meeting of the Priority Area 6 was held on April 21st, 2023, in a virtual format with the attendance of 42 participants.
The key topic of the meeting was Invasive Alien Species in Danube Region where in the framework of Priority area 6 the Danube Region Invasive Alien Species Network (DIAS) was established. DIAS promotes an improved coordination among all actors in the thematic field of invasive alien species (IAS) within the Danube Region. Politically independent, it brings together scientists, authorities and stakeholders and supports sharing of knowledge, formulates a strategy and work plan to efficiently tackle the issue of IAS in the Danube Region.
At the regional level to facilitate solving IAS issues The East and South European Network for Invasive Alien Species (ESENIAS) was established. ESENIAS has the aim to exchange and sharing of IAS information, facilitate collaboration between institutions and IAS experts from SE Europe, joint research activities, regional IAS policy development and harmonisation as well as integration to European and global IAS initiatives.
Points that require transnational cooperation within the Danube Region regarding the IAS are data collection and management:
- Necessity of relevant information and high-quality data on IAS
- Necessity of well-designed large-scale survey with the best available methodology – habitat/species oriented sampling programme
- Lack of harmonized methodology
- Surveillance on transboundary waters can be done in cooperation
- Shared databases
- Regional list of IAS
- Common early warning systems
There are many ways where DIAS/PA6 EUSDR assist in the IAS prevention and management including:
- Facilitate transnational and international cooperation
- Foster the linkages of the national and regional approaches
- Provide experts, formation of expert teams on different topics
- Develop common lists of alien and invasive alien species for the Danube River Basin
- Develop and organize common monitoring programmes at river basin level
- Develop programmes for intercalibration of methods for rapid detection and identification of alien species in the coastal area of the Black Sea
- Develop and implement Action plans on IAS pathways and management plans on IAS at river basin/ transnational level
- Consider updating the DIAS Strategy, need to organize the TF meeting and discus further on this proposal