National Coordinators and the PA Coordinators attended the event chaired by Denitsa Nikolova, Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works and National Coordinator for the Danube Strategy. The main
10th Steering Group Meeting and International seminar “Danube Ecological Corridor”
10th Steering Group Meeting The Steering group Meeting, held on 27th March 2018, included discussion on PA 06 Studies that are currently in the process of preparation and implementation (ecosystem
9th Steering Group Meeting
Seven SG members (including PACs) were present, representing Bavaria (BY), Croatia (HR), Hungary (HU), Austria (AT) and Slovenia (SI), Czech Republic (CZ), Romania (RO). Observers of the SG present at
5th Annual Forum
The main focus of this year´s EUSDR Annual Forum from 03-04 November 2016 in Bratislava is laid on “Innovative Flows – Water, Knowledge and Innovation in the Danube Region”. Priority