The Cross macro-regional meeting on fostering synergies across macro-regional strategies (MRS) on the topic of biodiversity conservation was held in virtual format on November 17th 2022 with the attendance of 19 participants.
With regards to recent biodiversity policy and countries obligations for nature protection, this meeting aimed at showcasing MRS potential to contribute to targets of EU biodiversity strategy for 2030 primarily 30-10 target for spatial protection and restoration targets. There is well-established transboundary connection in a format of cooperation through networks of protected areas and the work done catalysed throughout those networks.
Moreover, meeting looked into existing initiatives that have the potential to be transferred across macro-regions as easily applicable solutions, and identifying further possibilities for cooperation. The main focus of the meeting was to discuss on potential for closer collaboration, networking and exchange between the MRS thematic coordinators and existing networks of protected areas.
This cross macro-regional meeting was attended by representatives of 3 MRS (thematic coordinators in the field of biodiversity) representatives of protected area networks, European Commission, Bavarian and Croatian EUSDR National Coordinators as well as the Danube Strategy Point.
The meeting was held within the framework of the DTP Project Priority Area 06: Biodiversity, Landscapes, Air and Soils (“DTP-PAC2-PA6”), co-financed by the INTERREG VB Danube Transnational Cooperation Program for the period 2014 – 2020, as a follow-up to the Meeting of thematic coordinators of the EU macro-regional strategies held in Zagreb (2019) on the topic of ecological connectivity as a cross-cutting issue across MRS.
For more information, report from the meeting can be found ”HERE“.